Intrigued by the intersection of storytelling and self-discovery, I initially strayed from my goal of becoming a university professor of English Literature. Despite a deep connection to literature, I grappled with the pivotal question of how to translate my passion into a fulfilling life path.
The answer emerged through tabletop roleplaying games, particularly Dungeons and Dragons. As a Game Master, I honed the ability to seamlessly transition between creative and analytical thinking, craft compelling narratives, design immersive worlds, and foster genuine connections. These skills seamlessly translated into UX Design, where my innate drive to bring ideas to life and guide individuals toward success found its ideal outlet.
Excited to merge my passion and personality into my professional life, I am poised to embark on a career in design. Eager to enhance user experiences and contribute to brand growth, I see design as the art of telling a compelling story, while also embracing critique, rectifying mistakes, and continuously learning about the people and the world around me.